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A rebel or an innovator? Childhood disobedience.

Updated: Sep 3, 2021

Real Aquifer Freestyle Martial Arts - Newbury - Thatcham - Basingstoke - Calne

The traits of children we often try to "correct" are the same traits that make them stand out of a crowd as adults.

Child - Adult

Rebellious - Innovator

Bossy - Assertive

Hyperactive - Enthusiastic

Emotional - Empathetic

Frustrated - Passionate

Martial arts is not about correcting behaviour but instead developing it. Education is not about correcting behaviour but instead developing it.

Focused innovator

Compassionately assertive

Productively enthusiastic

Nurturing empathy

Inspirationally passionate

The issue is not with the personality traits but how we develop them properly. The greatest and most successful people in the world do not "Correct" their personality but instead learn how to use it to their advantage whilst surrounding themselves with people who are better than them in other areas. So success is born from understanding, personal development and diversity.

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